Private Tutors Do Not Help Pass the Russian State Exam
Shadow education for high school students, such as private tutors or preparatory courses, is often treated by families as a mega-project requiring substantial investments of money and effort. Such investments, however, rarely pay off for underachieving students who are often unaware of the quality of shadow education and thus may choose the wrong providers. A study by Andrey Zakharov, Deputy Head of the HSE Institute of Education’s International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis, and Prashant Loyalka, leading research fellow of the same Institute, has debunked some of the more popular myths concerning the effect of shadow education.
HSE Scholar Publishes Article in the European Sociological Review
An article by Director of the Centre for Culture of Sociology and Anthropology of Education (CCSAE), Dmitry Kurakin has been published in Oxford University Press’s leading international sociology journal the European Sociological Review. Dr. Kurakin co-wrote the article Horizontal and 'Vertical Gender Segregation in Russia — Changes upon Labour Market Entry before and after the Collapse of the Soviet Regime' with fellow researchers at the European University Institute on the eduLIFE project.

Joint Seminar of HSE and Hertie School of Governance
On December 14th-16th 2015, a joint seminar between HSE and the Hertie School of Governance was held in Berlin. The staff members of the Laboratory for Political Studies, students, doctoral students and faculty of the Hertie School of Governance as well as researchers from Oxford, Cambridge and Heidelberg Universities took part in the event.
HSE Researchers Help Treat Cancer in Children
HSE School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence is conducting research for Federal Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, and Immunology on how the treatment response might vary depending on the patient's physiology, such as the state of the internal organs and blood, and what the role of genetics is.
Informal Revenues Increase Credit Worthiness of Mortgage Borrowers
Mortgage borrowers who have unconfirmed income turn out to be unable to repay the loan less often than public officials, whose income consists of their official salary only. The probability of loan default is also considerably influenced by the cost of the loan. These were the findings of a study conducted by Alexander Karminsky, HSE Professor, and Agata Lozinskaya, Junior Research Fellow at the HSE campus in Perm.
Research on the Runet Economy 2014-2015
The HSE with the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC) has prepared a report on the economics of the internet services and content market in 2014-1015. The main point of the research was to evaluate how the crisis has affected the long-term development of the industry and to adjust previous predictions.
Traditional Family Is in Revival
The Russian family has been becoming more demographically heterogeneous over recent years. Some of the families follow the trend of having many children: women more often give birth to a third and fourth child, and the gap between births is decreasing, which makes the evolution of the family faster. At the same time, younger generations are inclined to postpone marriage and having their first child, which leads either to later motherhood or to childlessness. This means that two opposite trends are developing; along with the growing share of ‘Western-type’ families, with postponed parenthood and fewer children, there is a revival of the traditional family with more children, Sergey Zakharov, Deputy Director of the HSE Institute of Demography, reported.
Future Managers Are Optimistic about Their Careers
Many management students have difficulties predicting their career paths for the next five or ten years. Some of the students obviously have big hoped for their future and are confident about rapid career growth. They believe that by 30 they will be able to become top-level managers in medium and big organizations, and will never repeat the mistakes of their principals and teachers. Svetlana Satikova, Associate Professor at the Department of Management of HSE in St. Petersburg, studied the career expectations of future managers.
HSE Has Been a Great Home Base for Me to Return and Recharge My Batteries
Elizabeth Plantan, Ph.D. candidate in Government at Cornell University, discusses her work at the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID HSE) and life in Russia.
How Are World Values Changing?
On November 13-14 a meeting of the Executive Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee of the World Values Survey Association was held at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. The main mission of the meeting was the design of the master questionnaire for the new wave of the World Values Survey to be launched in 2017. World Values Survey scholars are also participating in the LCSR 5th International Annual Research Conference 'Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective' which is currently underway at HSE. Christian Haerpfer, President of the World Values Association, has talked to HSE News Service about the survey and the preparation for its new wave.