people will take part in the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE, which opened today.
Russia’s Scientific Development Priorities to Be Discussed at April Conference
Scientific cooperation and competition among nations are key issues in modern science and technology policy. In order to put these issues up for public discussion, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) is organizing a special three-day section called ‘Science and Innovations’ as part of HSE’ s XVI April International Academic Conference.
honorary reports will be presented at the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE.

Crisis Poses New Challenges for Researchers
The XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development starts on April 7. Below HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin describes what interesting things await this year's participants.
Students Invited to Plenary Session of the April Conference
For the first time, students and post-grads are invited to listen in on plenary sessions of the International April Conference. They will be able to find out ‘from the horse’s mouth’ what the world’s top academics, economists, government and public figures think about the current state of Russia’s economy and society.
Lessons in Finance at HSE's April Conference
On April 9th and 10th, HSE’s School of Finance is organising several new platforms of discussion as part of the XVI April International Academic Conference. Topics will include measuring and assessing companies’ intellectual capital, research on corporate financial decisions, and for Russian and foreign post-graduate students, the second annual PhD seminar on financial markets and corporate financial policy will take place.
Improving Old Age in Russia — Not Just the Pension System
Oksana Sinyavskaya is Associate Professor at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and a leading Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Development Studies, Centre for Studies on Income and Living Standards. She will be giving a paper at the XVI April International Conference on Economic and Social Development about the problems of ageing in Russia. She talked to the HSE English Language News service about her research in this area.
Unemployment, Labour Supply Variations and Precarious Work
On April 7-10, the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at HSE will hold the Fifth LCSR International Workshop ‘Social and Cultural changes in cross-national perspective: Subjective Well-being, Trust, Social capital and Values’ which will take place as part of the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Attending this year’s conference is Arne L. Kalleberg, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina. He recently spoke with the HSE news service about the challenges facing labour force research, the situation with unemployment in Russia, and his interest in developing collaboration with researchers at HSE.
people have already registered to take part in the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at HSE.
Social Networks are Good for Book Lovers but Show a Fall in Reading Among Young Russians
Lyubov Borusiak, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, School of Integrated Communications will be giving a paper at the XVI International April Conference on Economic and Social Development about her research into social networks and what young Russians read. She talked to the HSE English Language News service about her findings and about whether Russian reading habits are changing with the new generation.