University Rectors and Government Officials Answer Children's Questions
Why go to school when there is the internet? Is it not time to throw out traditional textbooks? Can teachers become YouTube stars? At the latest EdCrunch conference, elementary school children posed these questions to experts from the field of education. Among those ‘called to the board’ was HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov. The HSE News Service recorded the most interesting questions and answers below.
Online Courses Help to Enhance Students’ Engagement in Lectures
The #EdCrunch educational conference has started in Moscow, with HSE being its main partner for the first time ever. One of the most interesting discussions at this event concerned how new technologies and Big Data may improve the quality of education and change universities in general.

HSE Launches Service for Psychometric Analysis of Online Courses
The website ‘Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation’ has integrated an automated service for psychometric data analysis, which helps to improve the quality of educational content and the effectiveness of studying by analyzing the ‘digital footprints’ of students enroled in online courses.

Effective Development Strategy Helps HSE Climb in THE World University Ranking
HSE has once again climbed the THE World University Ranking and entered the 301 – 350 range, taking 3rd place in Russia after MSU (199) and MIPT (251-300). HSE first appeared in this ranking two years ago and every subsequent year the university has consistently improved its standing.

HSE Hosts Joint Graduation Party for HSE/FIFA/CIES Programmes Taught at Two Campuses
43 students from two HSE campuses received a professional retraining certificate from the HSE Executive Programme in Sports Management together with a CIES/FIFA diploma this year. The students had the opportunity to attend lectures both in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they were broadcast live. The final, sixth, module of the programme was taught in Pushkino near St. Petersburg. The graduates prepared their degree projects together.
HSE Joins Top-100 of QS Master’s Ranking in 4 Areas of Business Education
For the second year in a row, the QS Ranking Agency has published its Business Masters Rankings. A total of three Russian universities appeared on this ranking (HSE University, St Petersburg State University, and Ural Federal University) in four areas of business education. Last year, only two Russian universities were on the ranking.

Winners of the First International Economics Olympiad Announced
In the team competition, Latvia won the gold, Russia took silver, while Kazakhstan and Brazil tied for the third place to share the bronze.

First International Economics Olympiad for High School Students Starts in Moscow
This event was initiated by the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and is supported by the Sberbank Charity Fund ‘Contribution to the Future’ and the New Economic School. A total of 63 contestants from 13 countries are competing in the Olympiad. All of them have passed a rigorous selection process and are national competition winners.

It’s Only the Beginning for the ICEF Graduates of 2018
On September 13, 230 graduates of ICEF-UoL Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes received their diplomas. The history of HSE's collaboration with the London School of Economics of the University of London spans more than 20 years and demonstrates the integral role that international cooperation between universities plays in academic, research, and cultural development. The graduates of 2018 are sure to continue this tradition.
Computer Science Freshmen Take Home Medals at International Olympiads
On September 2-7, one of the world’s most prestigious programming competitions – the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) – took place in the Japanese city of Tsukuba. Three students from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science took home medals.